Club Notices
Only boats belonging to Members of the Club shall be entitled to make use of the Club Moorings.
No one single Member shall be entitled to exclusive use of any Club Mooring at any time.
Moorings occupation is limited to 72 hours, after which time the mooring must be vacated.
Any Member boat making use of a Club Mooring shall accept any other Member boat wishing to raft-up alongside - at the discretion of the Skippers and/or weather/environment conditions.
Club Member boats using a Club Mooring shall be permitted to invite one non-Member boat to join the raft-up, provided always, that such non-Member boat shall not effectively exclude a Member boat from joining the raft-up - at the discretion of the Skippers and/or weather/environment conditions.
It is the responsibility of the boat joining the moored raft-up to have ready sufficient ropes and fenders to ensure absolute safety and minimum risk of damage. Fore and aft springers, bow and stern lines together with sufficient fenders to ensure no damage occurs, is recommended. Skippers should agree on the adequacy of the securing methods.
The largest boat in a raft-up should be secured to the mooring.
Commencing August 2009, the Club Burgees are issued on the basis that they remain the property of the Club and must be returned upon request by the Committee.
All Member vessels must fly the Club’s Burgee and display the current 'membership sticker' whilst using any of the Clubs Moorings. The Club Burgee should be maintained in good condition; replacement cost is borne by the Club Member.
The number of boats rafting-up on a Club Mooring shall be determined by the prevailing and forecast weather conditions including wind, tide, proximity of other moored boats and objects, combined with simple “common sense”. At all times the Skipper is responsible.
Members are responsible for ensuring that their vessels do not interfere with the comfort or safety of boats properly moored on adjacent moorings.
Where any Club Mooring is found to be incorrectly located or damaged, the Member should email the Club as soon as possible, with details of issue and location (including mooring number). It is the Skipper's responsibility to assess the adequacy of the mooring to secure their vessel before attachment.
Should a Maritime Boating Officer or Water Police make any requests, please follow these promptly. Should you feel the request was unreasonable we suggest discussing it with the BHCC Commodore or a member of the committee.
Where a non-Member is using a Club Mooring that is required by a Club Member, it is recommended that they be informed that they are using a private Club Mooring and asked politely to leave giving appropriate time and space for non-Member to vacate mooring. If this approach is unsuccessful your Club Committee recommends that the Skipper contact the local Maritime Boating Officer or Water Police. No further action is recommended by the Club, however boat name and registration number, with location, time and date should be noted including photographs and emailed to the Club.
Where an abandoned, non-Member boat is found to be on a Club Mooring, the Club Member should note boat type/description, boat name and registration number with location, time and date including photographs and email to the Club. Members should be aware that any regulation or recommendation made by the BHCC regarding the use of moorings cannot override your responsibility as a skipper or the regulations of NSW Maritime.
Members should be aware that any regulation or recommendation made by the BHCC regarding the use of moorings cannot override your responsibility as a skipper or the regulations of NSW Maritime.
The best thing to remember at all times out on the water is;